Chinese Journal of Emergency and Critical Care Nursing ›› 2025, Vol. 6 ›› Issue (3): 283-289.doi: 10.3761/j.issn.2096-7446.2025.03.004
• Research Paper • Previous Articles Next Articles
YANG Xingyu(), WANG Ning, LI Guifang(
), YANG Hongxiao, WANG Jincong, LI Jiaying, YANG Qiuyan
YANG Xingyu, WANG Ning, LI Guifang, YANG Hongxiao, WANG Jincong, LI Jiaying, YANG Qiuyan. Investigation on the implemtation status and influencing factors of early mobilization in ICU patients in Yinchuan[J]. Chinese Journal of Emergency and Critical Care Nursing, 2025, 6(3): 283-289.
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