Chinese Journal of Emergency and Critical Care Nursing ›› 2025, Vol. 6 ›› Issue (2): 194-200.doi: 10.3761/j.issn.2096-7446.2025.02.011
• Emergency Care Research • Previous Articles Next Articles
MA Shilin(), ZHENG Donglian, BAO Jintao, JI Shuangdui, HUANG Doudou, MI Guangli(
MA Shilin, ZHENG Donglian, BAO Jintao, JI Shuangdui, HUANG Doudou, MI Guangli. The translation of Nurses’ Intuition Patient Deterioration Scale and its application in emergency patients[J]. Chinese Journal of Emergency and Critical Care Nursing, 2025, 6(2): 194-200.
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