Chinese Journal of Emergency and Critical Care Nursing ›› 2025, Vol. 6 ›› Issue (1): 57-64.doi: 10.3761/j.issn.2096-7446.2025.01.008
• Special Planning——The Practice and Effectiveness of the Action Plan for Improving Nursing Services • Previous Articles Next Articles
WANG Haiyan(), DU Jinping, ZHANG Jinhuan, SHEN Xiaoling, TAO Yan, JIANG Ping()
WANG Haiyan, DU Jinping, ZHANG Jinhuan, SHEN Xiaoling, TAO Yan, JIANG Ping. Meta-analysis of the effect of white noise on sleep in ICU patients[J]. Chinese Journal of Emergency and Critical Care Nursing, 2025, 6(1): 57-64.
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