eISSN 2097-6046
ISSN 2096-7446
CN 10-1655/R
Responsible Institution:China Association for Science and Technology
Sponsor:Chinese Nursing Association

Chinese Journal of Emergency and Critical Care Nursing ›› 2020, Vol. 1 ›› Issue (2): 129-132.

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The establishment and practice of fever emergency observation ward under the epidemic prevention and control situation

ZHOU Wenjuan   

  • Received:2020-01-31 Online:2020-03-10 Published:2020-04-10


Due to COVID-19 which is the public health emergency of international concern(PHEIC),through ward construction management,human resource deployment,staff emergency  training,logistic  support  and  so  on,the  general  orthopedic  ward  was  replaced  and converted into a fever emergency observation ward within 7  hours. The process was fast, orderly, scientific and safe. This will provide a reference for the subsequent establishment of isolation wards.

Key words: COVID-19, Emergency Situation, Fever Emergency Observation Ward