ISSN 2097-6046(网络)
ISSN 2096-7446(印刷)
CN 10-1655/R

中华急危重症护理杂志 ›› 2025, Vol. 6 ›› Issue (3): 297-302.doi: 10.3761/j.issn.2096-7446.2025.03.006

• 急危重症护士培养及管理专题 • 上一篇    下一篇


朱宣静(), 黄卓凡, 林阳, 葛淳, 陈巧玲()   

  1. 350000 福州市 福建医科大学护理学院(朱宣静);福州大学附属省立医院重症医学三科(黄卓凡,林阳,葛淳);福建医科大学省立临床医学院(陈巧玲)
  • 收稿日期:2024-06-03 出版日期:2025-03-10 发布日期:2025-03-03
  • 通讯作者: 陈巧玲,
  • 作者简介:朱宣静:女,本科(硕士在读),

A qualitative study on the current situation and influencing factors of training migration of critical care specialist nurses in Fujian Province

ZHU Xuanjing(), HUANG Zhuofan, LIN Yang, GE Chun, CHEN Qiaoling()   

  1. Department of Nursing,Fujian Medical University,Fuzhou,350000,China
  • Received:2024-06-03 Online:2025-03-10 Published:2025-03-03


目的 了解福建省重症专科护士培训迁移现状及其影响因素,为今后重症专科护士培训方案的调整和管理方案的完善提供参考。方法 2023年12月—2024年3月,采用描述性质性研究方法对24名福建省重症专科护士进行线上半结构式访谈,并采用Colaizzi 7步法整理并分析访谈资料。结果 重症专科护士培训迁移现状及影响因素提炼为4个主题和14个亚主题,包括自我认知及调试(自我驱动参加培训、培训需求精准定位、学习环境适应性评估)、培训成效分析(课程设置优化学习体验、带教老师合理引导、培训内容常规化)、培训成果转化及应用(临床业务能力精进、激发内在驱动力、改进和提升护理服务质量、培训到实践转化障碍)、洞悉社会支持机制(营造重症专科护士发展环境、团队支持动力、组织协同发展、职业吸引力发展受阻)。结论 重症专科护士在培训迁移的过程中会受多种因素的影响,未来需要不断优化培训模式,相关医疗机构也应不断完善重症专科护士培训后的政策支持,以最大程度促进培训迁移及进一步引导重症专科护士正向职业轨迹。

关键词: 重症医学科, 专科护士, 培训迁移, 质性研究


Objective To understand the current situation of training migration of critical care specialist nurses and its influencing factors in Fujian Province,and to provide a reference for the adjustment of the training program and the improvement of the management program of critical care nurses in the future. Methods From December 2023 to March 2024,a descriptive qualitative research method was used to conduct online in-depth semi-structured interviews with 24 critical care specialist nurses in Fujian Province,and the interview data were organized and refined for analysis using Colaizzi’s 7-step method. Results The current situation and influencing factors of the training migration of critical care specialist nurses have been distilled into 4 themes and 14 sub-themes,including self-awareness and debugging(self-driven participation in training,precise positioning of training needs,and assessment of the adaptability of learning environments), analysis of training effectiveness(optimization of learning experience by curriculum,reasonable guidance by instructors,and regularization of training contents),transformation and application of training outcome (refinement of clinical skills,stimulation of internal driving force,improvement and enhancement of nursing service quality,barriers of training-to-practice transfer),insight into social support mechanisms(creation of a growth environment for critical care specialist nurses,team support motivation,organizational synergy,obstacles to career attraction). Conclusion Critical care specialist nurses are affected by a variety of factors in the process of training migration,the training model need to optimized continuously in the future,and the relevant healthcare institutions should also continue to improve the policy support for critical care specialist nurses after training,in order to maximize the promotion of training migration and further guide the positive career trajectory of critical care specialist nurses.

Key words: Intensive Care Medicine, Nurse Specialist, Transfer of Training, Qualitative Research