eISSN 2097-6046
ISSN 2096-7446
CN 10-1655/R
Responsible Institution:China Association for Science and Technology
Sponsor:Chinese Nursing Association

Table of Content

    10 February 2024, Volume 5 Issue 2 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    A field study of the status and contents of nursing practice in the management of blood glucose in critically ill adults
    HUANG Miao, GAN Xiuni, ZHANG Chuanlai, ZHOU Wen
    2024, 5 (2):  101-107.  doi: 10.3761/j.issn.2096-7446.2024.02.001
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    Objective To understand the status and contents of current nursing practice in the management of blood glucose in critically ill adult patients in China. Methods From September 2021 to April 2022,an 8-month non-participatory observation of glucose management practice in the intensive care units of four tertiary care hospitals in Chongqing was conducted using field research. Quantitative data were collected using the ICU patient glucose management profile form and nursing staff glucose management practice record form. We repeatedly read the field notes and summarized existing nursing practices and existing problems in current blood glucose management nursing practices,further categorized and conducted in-depth analysis of the data. Results All four field observation sites had paper-based insulin infusion protocols,and the mean duration of the use of the protocols was(9±2.92) years,and the contents of the protocols differed across the fields. A total of 60 hyperglycemic patients were observed,and there were no statistically significant differences in the duration of hyperglycemia,the time required to reach target blood glucose level,and the maintenance of the target blood glucose range among patients from different field sites. The main tasks of the 12 nurses in glucose management included insulin infusion and adjustment,glucose monitoring,patient nutrition management,and hypoglycemia treatment. However,there was still a gap with the best evidence on blood glucose monitoring method,insulin use,whether nutritional support should be combined with insulin infusion,etc. Conclusion Nursing staff need to enhance their clinical decision-making skills,and further construct and implement a comprehensive and standardized practice plan for glucose management in critically ill adult patients based on the best evidence. This is a main solution to address current glucose management practice issues in the field sites.
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    Development of indicators for reviewing sleep promotion strategies in ICU awake patients and analysis of barrier factors
    GU Tiantian, CHEN Wei, LI Xiaojuan, CHEN Junxi
    2024, 5 (2):  108-114.  doi: 10.3761/j.issn.2096-7446.2024.02.002
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    Objective To understand the current status of clinical application of the evidence on sleep promotion strategies for awake patients in ICU,analyze the barriers and facilitators,and initially formulate strategies for change,so as to provide references for the clinical translation of the evidence. Methods Through the pre-evidence summary,21 pieces of best evidence were included and 13 audit criteria with 22 audit indicators were developed for clinical audit,and based on the results of the audit,barriers and facilitators were analyzed and strategies for change were developed. Results The clinical implementation rate for the 22 audit indicators ranged from 0 to 100%,and 8 of the review entries had an implementation rate of 0 percent. The barrier factors were mainly the lack of knowledge of sleep management among ICU nurses,gaps in the relevant systems and processes in the department,and irrational settings in the ward environment,while facilitators were the good ability of the researcher and the team to translate the evidence,active support for change from the departmental administrators,the support of the hospital’s policy to build a humanistic ward,and the strong willingness of the nurses in the department to accept and support the change. Conclusion There is still a large gap between the evidence of sleep promotion strategies for awake patients in ICU and clinical practice,so a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of barrier and promotion factors should be conducted to formulate scientific and reasonable change strategies,promote the translation of evidence,and provide a reference basis for clinical practice.
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    Latent profile analysis and factors influencing early post-traumatic growth in young and middle-aged accidental trauma patients
    SU Xin, GAO Yufang, LIU Dun
    2024, 5 (2):  115-120.  doi: 10.3761/j.issn.2096-7446.2024.02.003
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    Objective Based on potential profile analysis,to understand the category characteristics of post- traumatic growth level of young and middle-aged accidental trauma patients,and to explore the influencing factors of different categories of post-traumatic growth level in accidental trauma patients. Methods Through a cross- sectional study,225 young and middle-aged accidental trauma patients in the Department of Trauma Surgery of a tertiary hospital in Qingdao City from October 2022 to March 2023 were selected by convenience sampling method. A general information questionnaire and the simplified Chinese version of the Posttraumatic Growth Rating Scale were used for survey. Results The results of potential profile analysis showed that the posttraumatic growth characteristics of young and middle-aged accidental trauma patients could be categorized into four potential categories:low-growth group (1.8%),medium-growth group (62.3%),medium-growth-high-relationship group (32.6%), and high-growth group (3.4%). The results of the multiple logistic regression analysis showed that age,per capitamonthly family income,payment method,and type of trauma were the influencing factors of posttraumatic growth in young and middle-aged accidental trauma patients (P<0.05). Conclusion There is obvious heterogeneity in the level of post-traumatic growth of young and middle-aged accidental trauma patients,and it is recommended that healthcare professionals carry out interventions such as psychological counseling and appropriate information support according to the characteristics of different post-traumatic growth categories in patients in order to improve the level of post-traumatic growth of patients.
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    Postoperative nursing care of a patient with multiple rib fractures combined descending aorta rupture bleeding and traumatic wet lung
    YU Na
    2024, 5 (2):  121-124.  doi: 10.3761/j.issn.2096-7446.2024.02.004
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    This article summarized the nursing experience of a patient with multiple rib fractures combined with descending aorta rupture bleeding and traumatic wet lung. Nursing points included early identification of the risk of rebleeding,active prevention of pulmonary complications, implementation of phased exercise to prevent deep vein thrombosis,refined nutritional care and personalized psychological care. By implementing multi-level intervention measures,the prognosis of patients was improved and he was discharged 10 days after surgery. The patient was followed up for one month and recovered well.
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    Perioperative nursing of a child with fireworks burn combined with abdominal blast injury
    ZHOU Qiongqiao, ZHU Hongmei, ZHU Jihua, ZHU Shuangping, HE Jie, CHEN Xiaoli
    2024, 5 (2):  124-127.  doi: 10.3761/j.issn.2096-7446.2024.02.005
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    To summarize the perioperative nursing experience of a child with fireworks burn combined with abdominal blast injury. In view of the problems of early abdominal wound and organ continuous bleeding,postoperative abdominal infection and complications after injury,we adopted early rapid assessment,efficient anti-shock rescue,postoperative multi-measures combined with control of infection,and strengthening observation and symptomatic treatment of complications,personalized pain care,dynamic assessment and implementation of enteral nutrition and other nursing measures. After 36 days of treatment and nursing,the patient recovered and was discharged.
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    Nursing care of a patient with severe polytraumatic entero-atmospheric fistula undergoing segmented nutrition therapy
    YIN Wei, QIAO Li, LIU Baochen, WU Cuili, YE Xianghong, ZHANG Li
    2024, 5 (2):  128-130.  doi: 10.3761/j.issn.2096-7446.2024.02.006
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    To summarize the nursing experience of segmented nutrition therapy in a patient with severe polytrauma and entero-atmospheric fistula. In view of the difficulty of wound care around entero-atmospheric fistula,the disruption of the continuity of the digestive system,and the difficulty of nutritional support,the fistula and intestinal tube protection at the open abdomen with vacuum-assisted closure technology was adopted,combined with segmented enteral nutrition therapy and nursing of intestinal fluid reinfusion treatment. The intestinal fluid from the fistula was drained smoothly,and abdominal wall defect healed well in the later period,the enteral nutrition support reached the target amount. After 60-day hospitalization,the patient finally recovered and was discharged.
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    Risk factors of hypothermia in emergency trauma patients:a meta-analysis
    JING Chenyang, GUO Yue, FAN Luo, JI Li, WANG Tuohong, HE Guobao
    2024, 5 (2):  131-137.  doi: 10.3761/j.issn.2096-7446.2024.02.007
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    Objective To clarify the risk factors of hypothermia in emergency trauma patients by meta-analysis. Methods The cohort studies and case-control studies on the risk factors of hypothermia in the trauma patients were searched by computer in CNKI,VIP,WanFang data,CBM,PubMed,Web of Science,Embase,and Cochrane Library. The search time was from the inception of databases until July 2023. After independent literature screening,data extraction,and quality evaluation by two researchers,RevMan 5.4.1 was used for meta-analysis. Results A total of 10 articles were included,including 8 risk factors:systolic blood pressure (OR=0.99),Revised Trauma Score (RTS) (OR =0.60),Injury Severe Score (ISS) (OR =1.02),patients lying on the ground when the ambulance arrived(OR =8.22),temperature (OR =0.95),winter(OR =2.20),warm measures during transport (OR =0.25) and pre-hospital intubation(OR=6.41). Conclusion Systolic blood pressure,RTS,ISS,lying on the ground when the ambulance arrives,air temperature,winter,keeping warm during transport and pre-hospital intubation are the influencing factors of hypothermia in emergency trauma patients. It is suggested that nurses can rely on the influencing factors,take targeted preventive measures to reduce the incidence of hypothermia,thereby reducing the risk of death in trauma patients.
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    Research progress on triage of emergency elderly trauma patients
    CHEN Chen, WAGN Mingming, WANG Min
    2024, 5 (2):  137-141.  doi: 10.3761/j.issn.2096-7446.2024.02.008
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    With the aging population,the incidence and mortality rate of elderly trauma patients are increasing,and trauma has become the fifth leading cause of abnormal death in the elderly population. Pre-examination triage is the first line of defense for evaluating trauma patients,which prioritizes and grades the severity of the patient’s condition. This article elaborates on the age definition,triage criteria and assessment indicators,analyzes the relevant factors affecting the triage,and proposes future prospects,hoping to further establish and improve triage criteria for emergency elderly trauma patients.
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    Interpretation of the 2022 edition of the European Respiratory Society clinical practice guidelines:high-flow nasal cannula in acute respiratory failure
    JIN Jingfen, DING Chuanqi, XU Jianfeng, CHENG Shouzhen, LOU Jian, HUANG Tiancha
    2024, 5 (2):  142-146.  doi: 10.3761/j.issn.2096-7446.2024.02.009
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    The European Respiratory Society published the “ERS clinical practice guidelines:high-flow nasal cannula in acute respiratory failure” in 2022. These guidelines aim to provide precise guidance for oxygen therapy in four different scenarios:acute hypoxemic respiratory failure,post-extubation in surgical patients,post-extubation in non-surgical patients,and hypercapnic respiratory failure. The guidelines covers eight topics,each with corresponding recommendations. Although the methodology for developing the guidelines is very systematic and rigorous,it should be noted that the current level of clinical evidence is not very high. This may require more research to further support the effectiveness of these recommendations. Nevertheless,the guidelines help healthcare professionals to better implement oxygen therapy for patients with acute respiratory failure.
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    Nursing care of a patient infected with novel Bunyavirus caused by cat bites
    WANG Deng, ZENG Fei
    2024, 5 (2):  147-149.  doi: 10.3761/j.issn.2096-7446.2024.02.010
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    To summarize the nursing experience of a case of novel Bunyavirus infection caused by cat bites. Nursing points included identification of novel Bunyavirus by atypical wounds,establishment of leukocyte early warning mechanism,traditional Chinese medicine means to treat refractory vomiting,implementation of closed-loop infection control process,the prevention of post-traumatic syndrome. The patient was hospitalized for 7 days and discharged with good recovery.
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    Nursing of children with acute liver failure caused by neuroblastoma amplified sequence gene mutations
    ZHOU Hongqin, ZHU Jihua, CHEN Xiuping, LOU Xiaofang, FU Cangcang, SHAN Xiaomin
    2024, 5 (2):  150-153.  doi: 10.3761/j.issn.2096-7446.2024.02.011
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    To summarize the nursing experience of 3 children with acute liver failure caused by neuroblastoma amplified sequence gene mutations. In view of the problems of hepatic encephalopathy caused by hyperammonemia, high fever and increased catabolism caused by infection,and post-discharge care in this group of children,we adopted strict monitoring of awareness to evaluate the development of hepatic encephalopathy,and appropriate blood purification methods in a timely manner to quickly lower blood ammonia;prevention and control of infection, especially body temperature management;strengthening nutritional support;regular follow-up to avoid recurrence of acute liver failure. After rapid treatment and careful care,the three children were discharged from the hospital in stable condition and recovered well during 3 months of follow-up after discharge.
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    Nursing care of a patient with malignant hyperthermia after correction of idiopathic scoliosis
    REN Ershuai, ZENG Fei, LIANG Jiangshuyuan
    2024, 5 (2):  153-155.  doi: 10.3761/j.issn.2096-7446.2024.02.012
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    To summarize the nursing experience of one case of idiopathic scoliosis complicated with malignant hyperthermia after operation. It aimed at the problems of how to recognize and treat malignant hyperthermia,how to manage body temperature and end-expiratory carbon dioxide partial pressure,how to use dantrolene sodium correctly and avoid the development of rhabdomyolysis. We controlled body temperature as early as possible,continuously monitored core body temperature and end-expiratory carbon dioxide pressure,used dantrolene sodium rationally, monitored creatine kinase and implemented alkalization of urine and other measures. After 11 days of treatment and nursing,the patients were successfully removed from the ventilator and transferred back to the ward for treatment. He was discharged successfully 20 days after the operation. He was followed up for 3 months after discharge and his condition was good.
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    Perioperative care of a patient with simultaneous multiple primary carcinoma of the hypopharynx-esophagus with third-degree laryngeal obstruction
    SUN Chunrong, ZHANG Ping, WEI Jianhua
    2024, 5 (2):  156-158.  doi: 10.3761/j.issn.2096-7446.2024.02.013
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    We summarized the perioperative care experience of a patient with simultaneous hypopharyngeal- esophageal multiple primary carcinoma with third-degree laryngeal obstruction. Aiming at the patient’s high risk of airway obstruction,rapid disease progression,pulmonary infection,poor general nutritional status,and weakened motor function,measures such as early warning and emergency management of airway obstruction risk,phased implementation of lung protective strategies,goal-oriented preoperative prehabilitation nutritional management,and low load and small intensity individualized antiobstruction exercises were taken to improve weakness and promote patient recovery. After 34 d of active treatment and care,the patient was discharged in a stable condition,and the patient was in good condition at 1-month follow-up after discharge.
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    Study on the stability management of calcium ion levels in patients undergoing continuous renal replacement therapy with regional citrate anticoagulation
    DAI Zhenjuan, XU Shenting, ZHOU Jianying, CHEN Jianqin, XUE Fangying, WANG Xuemin, SUN Shifan
    2024, 5 (2):  159-164.  doi: 10.3761/j.issn.2096-7446.2024.02.014
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