eISSN 2097-6046
ISSN 2096-7446
CN 10-1655/R
Responsible Institution:China Association for Science and Technology
Sponsor:Chinese Nursing Association

Guide for Authors

  • Instructions to Authors

    About the Journal

    Chinese Journal of Emergency and Critical Care Nursing was established on January 2020. It is a specialized nursing academic journal supervised by China Association for Science and Technology, sponsored by Chinese Nursing Association and published at home and abroad. Chinese Journal of Emergency and Critical Care Nursing mainly reports the leading scientific research achievements and clinical experience in the field of emergency and critical care nursing, as well as the nursing theory research that has a guiding effect on nursing practice.The journal has been included in the key magazine of China technology, core journals of China Science Citation Database (CSCD) , CINAHL, CNKI China periodical full-text database, and has been included in "Wanfang Data - Digital Journal Group".

    The journal is a monthly publication in A4 format with 96 pages, 12 issues throughout the year. It is printed on matte coated paper and published on the 10th of a single month both online and paper. Domestic standard publication number is CN 10-1655/R, while ISSN is 2096-7446. It is aimed for clinical nurses, teachers, students and researchers engaged in clinical nursing, nursing education and scientific research in general and specialized hospitals, maternity and child institutions, scientific research institutes and medical colleges and universities at home and abroad.

    Scope of the Journal

    The purpose of Chinese Journal of Emergency and Critical Care Nursing is to implement the principles and policies of the Chinese Communist Party and the Country in health field, to  reflect the new progress, new trends and new achievements of emergency and critical care research at home and abroad, and promotes academic exchanges in critical care at home and abroad.

    Included database

    This journal has been included by key magazine of China technology, core journals of China Science Citation Database (CSCD), CINAHL, China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), SinoMed, VIP, Wanfang Data Knowledge Service Platform.

    Authorship and Contribution Details

    All authors have significantly contributed to the research, they should have made substantial contributions to all of the following: (1) the conception and design of the study, or acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data; (2) drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content; (3) final approval of the version to be submitted. All contributors who do not meet the criteria for authorship as defined above should be listed in an acknowledgments section.

    Contributors should provide a description of contributions made by each of them towards the manuscript. Description should be divided in following categories, as applicable: concept, design, definition of intellectual content, literature search, clinical studies, experimental studies, data acquisition, data analysis, statistical analysis, manuscript preparation, manuscript editing and manuscript review. One author should take responsibility for the integrity of the work as a whole from inception to published article and should be designated as “corresponding author”.

    Biomedical Ethics 

    When reporting studies on human beings, authors should indicate whether the procedures are in accordance with the ethical standards of the responsible committee on human experimentation (institutional or regional) and with the Helsinki Declaration revised in 2000 (available at http://www.wma.net/e/policy/17-c_e.html). For prospective studies involving human subjects, authors are expected to mention about approval of regional/national/institutional or independent Ethics Committee or Review Board, obtaining informed consent from adult research participants. The age beyond which assent would be required can vary as per regional and/or national guidelines. Please ensure confidentiality of subjects by desisting from mentioning participants’ names, initials or hospital numbers, especially in illustrative material.

    Evidence for approval by a local Ethics Committee must be supplied by the authors on demand. The journal will not consider any paper which is ethically unacceptable. A statement on ethics committee permission and ethical practices must be included in all research articles under the “Methods” section.

    Conflict of Interest Disclosing

    All authors must disclose any and all conflicts of interest, as they may have connections with an institution or product that is mentioned in the manuscript, and/or is important to the outcome of the study presented. Authors should also disclose conflicts of interest with products that compete with those mentioned in their manuscript. A conflict of interest may exist when an author (or the author’s institution or employer) has financial or personal relationships or affiliations that may inappropriately influence (or bias) the author’s decisions, work, or manuscript.

    All authors are required to complete and submit the Form for Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest. Note: This form will be requested after a manuscript has been submitted, but authors should also include conflicts of interest disclosure in the Acknowledgment section of the submitted manuscript.

    Role of Funding Source Declaration 

    All sources of funding should be declared as an acknowledgement at the end of the main text. Authors should declare the role of sponsors in the study, if any, e.g., the study design, data collection, data analysis / interpretation, manuscript writing, submission of the manuscript for publication, etc. If the study sponsors had no such involvement, it should also be stated.

    Peer Review Policy 

    Only manuscripts of high relevance and suitability will enter into the peer review process, which includes at least two internationally acknowledged experts in the field, in order to ensure that all published manuscripts provide new scientific knowledge. We adopt the double-blind principle when the manuscripts enter into the peer review process.

    Responsibilities of Reviewer URL: http://jwzz.zhhlzzs.com/EN/column/item33.shtml


    Copyright Holder: Chinese Nursing Association.

    Production by Chinese Nursing Journals Publishing House Co.,Ltd On behalf of Chinese Nursing Association.

    Authors of the manuscripts for publication must sign the copyright transfer form of the papers in Chinese Journal of Emergency and Critical Care Nursing, affix an official seal and mail it to the editorial office or send the electronic version to the editorial office after scanning.

    Authors transfer copyright to the publisher as part of a journal publishing agreement, but have the right to:

    1. Share their article for Personal Use, Internal Institutional Use and Scholarly Sharing purposes.

    2. Retain patent, trademark and other intellectual property rights (including research data).

    3. Proper attribution and credit for the published work.

    Commercial Mode

    ① Each journal is sold to readers every 4 weeks with 25 RMB / copy. Articles also can be sold individually according to the page number with 0.5-1 RMB/ page. Readers can pay directly on the journal home page, official Wechat platform, or on the third-party database platform, like CNKI, Wanfang database.

    ② Some excellent articles are free to read.

    Electronic Backup and Preservation

    All electronic backup and preservation of the journal content are accessible in the Archiving page of this website

    (http://jwzz.zhhlzzs.com/EN/article/showOldVolumn.do), CNKI, Wanfang database.

    Report Specification

    Accurate and complete reporting enables readers to fully appraise research, replicate it, and use it. For original articles, review articles and special issue submissions, we require authors to adhere to the relevant EQUATOR research reporting checklisthttps://www.equator-network.org.

    EQUATOR checklists include:

    ·CONSORT checklist for reports of randomised trials and cluster randomised trials

    ·TREND checklist for non-randomised controlled trials

    ·PRISMA guidelines for systematic reviews and meta-analyses

    ·STROBE checklist for observational research

    ·COREQ checklist for qualitative studies

    ·SQUIRE checklist for quality improvement

    ·TRIPOD checklist for prediction model development and/or validation

    ·AGREE checklist for clinical practice guidelines

    Clinical Trial Registry

    Chinese Journal of Emergency and Critical Care Nursing requires registration of clinical trials, and the clinical trial registration numbershould be included in the “Methods” section. For further information,please visit www.icmje.org.

    Registration in the following trial registers is acceptable: http://www.chictr.org.cn/; http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/; http:// www.isrctn.org/; http://www.trialregister.nl/trialreg/index.asp; and http://www.umin.ac.jp/ctr and any registry that is a primary register of the WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP) (www.who.int/ictrp/network/primary/en/index.html).

    Retraction Policy

    All authors are obliged to provide retractions or corrections of mistakes.

    Chinese Journal of Emergency and Critical Care Nursing will consider retracting a publication if:

    Editors have clear evidence that the findings are unreliable, either as a result of misconduct (e.g., data fabrication) or honest error (e.g., miscalculation or experimental error).

    The findings have previously been published elsewhere without proper cross-referencing, permission or justification (i.e., cases of redundant publication).

    It constitutes plagiarism.

    It reports unethical research.

    Chinese Journal of Emergency and Critical Care Nursing abides by COPE Retraction Guidelines. (http://publicationethics.org/files/retraction%20guidelines_0.pdf).

    Preparation of manuscripts

    All manuscripts must be submitted at http://www.zhhlzzs.com. Authors must be registered on this site to submit manuscript online. Registration is free but mandatory. Registered authors can keep track of their articles after logging into the site using their user name and password.

    Instructions for authors

    1 Column setup

    The journal includes special article, research paper, special planning, guideline and standard, emergency care research, critical care research, quality and safety, evidence synthesis research, commentary, forum, review, clinical practice/case report, academic frontier, news, editor & reader contacts and other columns.

    2 Manuscripts requirement

    2.1 Manuscript  Should be innovative, scientific and practical, with clear arguments, reliable information, refined text, clear structure, accurate and standardized data.

    2.2 Title Should be concise and eye-catching, reflecting the theme of the article. Chinese titles should not exceed 20 Chinese characters.

    2.3 Authorship The order of authors should be determined at the time of submission, and input according to the prompt of submission system. Names, units and e-mails are required items, the first author and/or corresponding author also need to fill in telephone, address, mobile phone number, postal code, title and ID card number. Due to double-blind peer review of this journal, author's name and unit should not appear in the submitted article.

    2.4 Abstract Abstracts in Chinese and English should be attached to all papers. Abstracts of research papers should be written in the format of purpose, method, results (main data should be given) and conclusion.

    2.5 Key words List 3 to 8 key words according to MeSH. Try to use the words listed in the Index Medicus Chinese Medicine Thesaurus (MESH), the latest edition compiled by the National Library of Medicine. If there is no corresponding word, the most direct superior subject word can be selected according to the tree structure table, and free words can be used if necessary.

    2.6 Medical terms The terms of medical terms approved and published by the National Committee for the Examination and Approval of Natural Science Terms and those of related disciplines publishedby the Science Press shall prevail, while the terms of English-Chinese medical terms published by the People's Medical Publishing House for subjects not yet published shall prevail. Chinese drug names should be in the latest edition of the pharmacopoeia (legal drugs)or in the glossary of drug names (non-legal drugs) compiled by theformer pharmacopoeia committee of the Ministry of Health, while English drug names should be international generic drug names, nottrade names.

    2.7 Figure and table Each figure or table should have a concise title, which should be presented in both languages. The table’s vertical and horizontal headings should be reasonably arranged, and the meaning of data should be expressed clearly. The same index of data in the table has the same number of decimal places. The figure should not be too large, and the ratio of height to width should bearound 5:7. The type of the graph should match the nature of the data and make the marking method of the scale value on the number line conform to mathematical principles. Photographs require good clarity and contrast.

    2.8 Unit of measurement In accordance with the relevant provisions of GB 3100/3101/3102-1993 "International System of Units and Their Applications/General Principles (All Parts) for Quantities, Units and Symbologies", and expressed in unit symbols.

    2.9 Digital number Implementation of GB/T15835-2011 “Digital Usage in Publications”.

    2.10 Statistical symbols In accordance to the relevant provisions of GB/T3358.1-2009, GB/T3358.3-2009.

    2.11 Abbreviation  Except for the abbreviations that can be used directly as stipulated in this journal, others should be described with their full names in Chinese at first appearance, and then their full Chinese or English names and abbreviations shall be indicated in parentheses.

    2.12 References According to GB/T7714-2015 “Rules for the Description of Information and Documentary References”, sequential coding shall be adopted, and marked in Arabic numerals plus square brackets according to the order in which they appear in the text. Chinese references should be presented in both languages. Foreign periodicals should be abbreviated in accordance with the format in Index Medicus. Chinese periodicals use full names.

    2.13 Fund projects involved in the paper If you have obtained national or ministerial or provincial funds or public relations projects, it should be stated in the footnote on the first page, such as "Fund projects:...... Foundation Grant (No.......) "And upload a copy of the Fund Certificate at the time of submission.

    2.14 Title level Title level adopts Arabic numeral continuous coding, title level division is generally no more than 4 levels. First level headings are 1, second level headings are 1.1, third level headings are 1.1.1 and fourth level headings are

    3 Special statement

    3.1 Contribution Please visit the website of Chinese Nursing Journals Publishing House: http:// www.zhhlzzs.com. The introduction letter of the unit and fund project certificate, etc., should be uploaded at the same time.

    3.2 Expense The author must pay 40 yuan (approximately $6) as processing fee at the same time with manuscript submission. In the case of unpaid processing fee, the manuscript will not enter the review process. After the manuscript is confirmed to be accepted, page fee will be charged according to the standard and an electronic invoice will be issued. If the author requests to withdraw the manuscript after the page fee is collected, the page fee will not be refunded. After the manuscript is published, author’s remuneration will be provided, and the current issue of the journal will be posted as a gift. All the manuscripts employed in this journal are published in the forms of paper-based journals, CD-ROMs and network version at the same time.

    3.3 Medical Ethical Issues and Informed Consent Basic principles of medical ethics must be followed. When the subject of a paper is a human subject, the author should indicate whether the procedures followed complied with the ethical standards established by the responsible human trial committee (institutional, regional, or national). Provide the approval document from the committee (the approval number is listed in the paper) and the informed consent of the subject or his/her relatives.

    3.4 Reviewing Manuscript The manuscripts sent to us will be reviewed and replied to the preliminary review within 2 weeks. Those who have not received the notice of the manuscript within 3 months are still in the process of review. The author is allowed to make different opinions for the rejection of manuscripts. If the author wishes to submit to the other journals, please contact us first, and do not submit to more than one journal.

    3.5 Fast Track The journal opens up a “fast track” for internationally leading innovative scientific research or first internationally reported papers. For papers that require to be published in fast track, the author shall provide a description of the innovation of the paper and an update report, attached together with review forms of two experts from different institutions. Manuscripts meeting these criteria can be reviewed and published in a timely manner.

    3.6 Contact Please do not send manuscripts and remittances to individuals. For matters related to the manuscript, the editorial department will contact the first author, and author’s remuneration and free journals will be posted to the first author.

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