ISSN 2097-6046(网络)
ISSN 2096-7446(印刷)
CN 10-1655/R

中华急危重症护理杂志 ›› 2023, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (11): 993-999.doi: 10.3761/j.issn.2096-7446.2023.11.006

• 重症管理与质量控制专题 • 上一篇    下一篇


丁茱萸 庄一渝 张佳佳 陈香萍 李秋静 劳月文 傅文瑶 张奕   

  • 出版日期:2023-11-10 发布日期:2023-11-24

Establishment of norms of ICU Healthy Work Environment Assessment Tool in the tertiary general hospitals of Zhejiang Province

DING Zhuyu,ZHUANG Yiyu,ZHANG Jiajia,CHEN Xiangping,LI Qiujing, LAO Yuewen,FU Wenyao,ZHANG Yi   

  • Online:2023-11-10 Published:2023-11-24

摘要: 目的 构建浙江省三级综合医院ICU健康工作环境评估量表常模。 方法 采用 按比例分层抽样方法,选取浙江省32所三级综合医院ICU,于2022年6月要11月应用美国危 重症护理学会(American Association of Critical-Care Nurses,AACN)健康工作环境评估量表对1 734名ICU护士进行健康工作环境调查,在分析ICU护理工作环境特点的基础上,建立均数常模、分类常模、百分位数常模和划界常模。 结果 浙江省三级综合医院ICU健康工作环境均数常模总分为(73.79±15.79)分,其中专业的沟通(75.00±16.23)分、真正的合作 (73.73±17.45)分、有效的决策制定(70.05±18.47)分、合适的人员配置(75.93±16.74)分、价值的认可(73.39±16.74)分、真诚的领导力(74.66±16.47)分。 对单因素分析有差异的特征,通过多元线性回归分析建立地区、职务、夜班次数、健康状况和1年内上报意外事件数量5个分类常模,以5%的间隔建立百分位数常模,并设立5个等级的划界常模:总分≥87.50分为优,75.00~87.49分为良,65.28~74.99分为一般,50.00~65.27分为较差,<50.00分为差。 结论 该研究初步构建了浙江省三级综合医院ICU健康工作环境评估量表常模,可为研究ICU护士感知的健康工作环境水平提供参照标准,也为进一步探讨ICU健康工作环境的影响因素提供理论依据。

关键词: 护士, 健康工作环境, 重症监护病房, 常模, 护理管理研究

Abstract: Objective To establish the norm of ICU Healthy Work Environment Assessment Tool in the tertiary general hospitals of Zhejiang Province. Methods From June to November 2022,A total of 1 734 ICU nurses from 32 tertiary general hospitals in Zhejiang Province were selected by using the equal proportion stratified sampling method,the AACN Healthy Work Environment Assessment Tool was used to investigate the work environment. The mean norm,classification norm,percentile norm and demarcation norm were established on the basis of analyzing the characteristics of ICU nursing work environment. Results The total mean norm of ICU Healthy Work Environment Assessment Tool in Zhejiang Province was (73.79±15.79),skilled communication was (75.00±16.23),true collaboration was (73.73±17.45),effective decision making was (70.05±18.47),appropriate staffing was (75.93±16.74), meaningful recognition was (73.39±16.74),authentic leadership was (74.66±16.47). For the different characteristics, five classification norms were established by multiple linear regression analysis,including region,position,number of night shift,health status and number of reported accidents in one year. The percentile norm was established with 5% interval,and the delimiting norm was established with 5 grades院excellent(≥87.50),good(75.00~87.49),average (65.28~74.99),relatively poor(50.00~65.27)and poor(<50.00). Conclusion This study initially constructed the norm of ICU Healthy Work Environment Assessment Tool in tertiary general hospitals in Zhejiang Province,which can provide a reference standard for studying the level of healthy work environment perceived by ICU nurses,and also provide a theoretical basis for further exploring the influencing factors of healthy work environment in ICU.

Key words: Nurses, Healthy Work Environment, Intensive Care Units, Norms, Nursing Administration Research