ISSN 2097-6046(网络)
ISSN 2096-7446(印刷)
CN 10-1655/R

中华急危重症护理杂志 ›› 2023, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (12): 1126-1129.

• 重症护理研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


周惠云 罗飞翔 慎斐 赵一俊 诸纪华   

  • 出版日期:2023-12-10 发布日期:2023-12-22

Perioperative nursing of a premature infant with omphalocele,exstrophy of the bladder,imperforate anus and spinal defect complex

ZHOU Huiyun,LUO Feixiang,SHEN Fei,ZHAO Yijun,ZHU Jihua   

  • Online:2023-12-10 Published:2023-12-22

摘要: 总结1例泄殖腔外翻综合征早产儿的图手术期护理体会。护理要点:术前外翻泄殖腔黏膜保护管理;一期手术肛门成型术后护理,避免肛门狭窄和切口感染,二期手术膀胱外翻修复术后的人类位石膏固定下的引流管护理,腹腔内高压观察,石膏综合征预防,阶梯式疼痛管理,术后皮肤管理及切口护理,以促进术后康复;以及出院指导和过渡期护理,提高患儿家属出院准备度及居家照护能力。患儿住院第49天康复出院。

关键词: 膀胱外翻, 肛门闭锁, 疼痛袁手术后, 围手术期护理, 儿科护理学

Abstract: The perioperative nursing experience of a premature infant with omphalocele,exstrophy of the bladder, imperforate anus and spinal defect complex(OEIS) was summarized. Nursing key points:preoperative nursing of ev- ersion cloacal mucosa;nursing after first stage anal anoplasty to avoid anal stenosis and incision infection;nursing care after second stage surgery,including management of drainage tube under plaster fixation of human position af- ter bladder exstrophy repair,observation of intraperitoneal high pressure,prevention of cast syndrome,stepwise pain management,postoperative skin management and incision care to promote postoperative recovery;discharge guidance and transitional care to improve the discharge readiness and home care capabilities of infant’s family. The infant recovered well and was discharged on the 49th day of admission.

Key words: Bladder Exstrophy; Anus, Imperforate; Pain, Postoperative; Perioperative Nursing; Pediatric Nursing