ISSN 2097-6046(网络)
ISSN 2096-7446(印刷)
CN 10-1655/R

中华急危重症护理杂志 ›› 2020, Vol. 1 ›› Issue (1): 11-16.

• 专家论坛 • 上一篇    下一篇


史冬雷 刘晓颖 高健   

  • 出版日期:2020-01-10 发布日期:2020-01-21

Clinical practice and analysis based on Intrahospital Transport Consensus for Emergency Critical Patients

SHI Donglei,LIU Xiaoying,GAO Jian   

  • Online:2020-01-10 Published:2020-01-21

摘要: 自2017年《急诊危重症患者院内转运共识》发布后,在全国得到了广泛的应用与实施,实现了转运规范化、标准化、全国统一、有章可循。 通过近2年的临床实践与分析,标准化转运流程可以同质化指导临床工作;基于转运基本框架形成了个性化、针对性的不同转运模式并在临床得到充分运用;而针对特殊人群患者的转运工作,如体外膜肺氧合患者转运、急危重症孕产妇转运、儿童及婴幼儿转运,需要更加深入地研究与探讨。 因此,急诊危重症患者院内转运是针对临床中的高风险环节进行的有效、系统的标准构建与管理,是一个临床长期、频繁的实践内容,需要引起临床医务人员的高度重视和持续改进。

关键词: 危重病, 病人转送, 急诊护理, 护理标准, 规范

Abstract: Since the release of the Consensus on Intrahospital Transport for Emergency Critical Patients in 2017, it has been widely applied and implemented in China. It provided rules to follow and realized standardized and national consistent transport. Through clinical practice and analysis in the past two years,standardized transport process can guide the clinical work consistently. Based on the general framework of transport,different specific transport modes are developed and applied widely. However,the transport of patients with special groups,such as ECMO patients,critically ill pregnant women,children and infants,needs to be further studied and discussed to meet clinical needs. Therefore,intrahospital transport of emergency critically ill patients needs an effective and systematic standard construction and management for clinical high-risk steps. It is a long-term and frequent clinical practice which needs to be highly emphasized and continuously improved by clinical staff.

Key words: Critical Illness, Transportation of Patients, Emergency Nursing, Standard of Care, Benchmarking