ISSN 2096-7446 CN 10-1655/R

中华急危重症护理杂志 ›› 2023, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (8): 725-727.doi: 10.3761/j.issn.2096-7446.2023.08.010

• 急症护理研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


詹芬芳 王飒 王钰炜   

  • 出版日期:2023-08-10 发布日期:2023-08-17

Emergency nursing care of a patient with B-type aortic dissection whose first symptom was girdle sensation and paraplegia

ZHAN Fenfang,WANG Sa,WANG Yuwei   

  • Online:2023-08-10 Published:2023-08-17

摘要: 总结1例首发症状为腹部束带感伴双下肢截瘫的主动脉夹层患者的急诊护理体会。 护理要点:运用评判性思维精准分诊,为危重患者开通绿色通道;预见性护理,预先留置耐高压留置针及采集血标本;打破常规,个体化控制血压;转运安全管理;充分镇痛及心理护理。 经过急诊精准分诊及有效处理后,患者安全转至病房,1个月后行胸主动脉覆膜支架腔内隔绝术,康复出院。

关键词: 截瘫, 动脉瘤, 夹层, 主动脉, 预检分诊, 急症护理

Abstract: To summarize the emergency nursing experience of a patient with aortic dissection whose first symptom was girdle sensation with paraplegia of both lower limbs. Nursing points included using critical thinking to accurately triage and opening a green channel for critically ill patients,predictive nursing including indwelling high- pressure resistant venous catheter in advance and collecting blood samples,breaking the routine to control blood pressure individually,sufficient analgesia and psychological care. After accurate triage and effective treatment in the emergency department,the patient was safely transferred to the ward. One month later,he underwent endovascular isolation of thoracic aorta covered with stent and recovered.

Key words: Paraplegia, Aneurysm, Dissecting, Aorta, Triage, Emergency Nursing