ISSN 2097-6046(网络)
ISSN 2096-7446(印刷)
CN 10-1655/R

中华急危重症护理杂志 ›› 2023, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (12): 1087-1093.doi: 10.3761/j.issn.2096-7446.2023.12.005

• 急危重症护士心理健康促进专题 • 上一篇    下一篇


熊文燕 初喆 张春艳 王蔚 范红权   

  • 出版日期:2023-12-10 发布日期:2023-12-21

A qualitative study of post-traumatic growth experiences of emergency department nurses going through public health events of infectious diseases

XIONG Wenyan,CHU Zhe,ZHANG Chunyan,WANG Wei,FAN Hongquan   

  • Online:2023-12-10 Published:2023-12-21

摘要: 目的 研究急诊科护士经历大型传染病公共卫生事件时的心理状态以及面对应激事件的心理历程和创伤后成长体验, 以期为急诊护士心理建设及相关培训提供指导。 方法 采用扎根理论研究方法,对2022年12月-2023年1月期间参与疫情一线救护工作的急诊科护士进行深入访谈,同时采用参与式观察法观察护士工作状态或情绪、团队协作配合及 各种突发状况的处理。 应用Strauss和Corbin扎根理论研究方法进行资料的持续分析。 结果 急诊科护士面临传染病公共卫生事件时的应激反应分为应激期、疲溃期、调试期、成长期4个阶段,包括4个类属、13个亚类属及20个代码。 结论 急诊科护士面临传染病公共卫生事件时心理反应是单向动态变化的过程,稳固的社会支持、管理者的担当与保障是护士由应激疲溃向调试成长转变的重要推动力,良好的专业素养、高韧性的心理特质和反思升华是催生成长的内在因素;建议科室管理者在应对传染病公共卫生事件时做好应急响应,完善流程制度,营造积极科室氛围,开展专科培训,夯实专业知识、技能储备,尤其重视急诊科护士必备心理素质的塑造。

关键词: 急诊室, 医院; 护士; 公共卫生; 应激; 心理学; 创伤后成长; 质性研究

Abstract: Objective To study the psychological state,the psychological journey and post-traumatic growth experience of emergency department nurses going through public health events of infectious diseases,of nurses,so as to provide guidance for psychological interventions and subsequent training for emergency department nurses. Methods Using a rooting theory research approach,in-depth interviews were conducted with emergency department nurses involved in COVID-19 frontline ambulance work between December 2022 to January 2023 while the researcher conducted full participant observation to observe the work status or emotions of nurses,teamwork and cooperation,and handling various unexpected situations. The data was analyzed using Strauss and Corbin’s rooting theory. Results The stress response of emergency department nurses when faced with a public health event of an infectious disease was divided into four phases:stress,fatigue,debugging and growth,forming four categories,13 sub- categories and 20 codes. Conclusion The psychological reaction of nurses in emergency department when they face public health events of infectious diseases is a one-way dynamic change process. Stable social support and the responsibility and protection of managers are the important driving forces for nurses to change from stress fatigue to debugging growth. Good professional quality,high resilience of psychological traits and reflection sublimation are the internal factors that promote growth. It is suggested that department managers should make emergency response when dealing with public health events of infectious diseases,improve procedures and systems,create a positive department atmosphere,carry out specialized training,consolidate professional knowledge and skill reserves,and pay special attention to the shaping of necessary psychological qualities.

Key words: Emergency Service, Hospital; Nurses; Public Health; Stress; Psychological; Post-traumatic Growth; Qualitative Research